Monday, April 18, 2011

Try this! :: Donna's Jam Doughnuts

When I saw the front cover of the latest Donna Hay magazine, sporting some yummy looking jam doughnuts, I thought of my friend Shelley straight away.  She  l o v e s  jam doughnuts and who better to make them for than a die-hard fan?

image source
 So, my friend Rinny and I made the dough earlier that day.  Then after dinner, Rinny was in charge of the deep frying (she is the most responsible and steady under pressure - must come with being a nurse!), Shelley was in charge of taking photos, and I assembled. 

Dough ready for deep frying

In the hot oil

Ready for sugar and jam injection!

Slicing an opening for the piping bag

Squeezing in raspberry jam

Ooops, perhaps too much jam

First one to Shelley

But there were plenty to go around
 We were well rewarded for our efforts!


1 comment:

  1. ooh yum!! I have seen this issue out and have just been convinced to buy it :)


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