Friday, April 20, 2012

Feed Me Friday :: Garlic Bean Pasta

I don't often enter competitions which explains why I don't often ever win anything. 

Aaaaages ago I entered the Kleenex Mums recipe competition.  It was to win a Kitchenaid so how could I resist?!  I knew it was a shameless way of collecting recipes to bulk up their website and therefore I was not allowed to publish this recipe myself once entered, but I will link you to it because I think it is yummy and wholesome and very very budget friendly.

Garlic bean pasta
image via Kleenex Mums (link above) but originally mine: Brave New Me (just in case they own the photo too!)
And no.  I didn't win.  I am still not an illustrious Kitchenaid Mixer owner.  I'll keep saving!

Bon apetite!


  1. I have been wanting a kitchenaid for the longest time too, maybe one day.
    The link doesn't appear to be working.


Hey thanks for popping by! I read all your comments and really try and get to your blog too. Despite my good intentions, I don't always reply to each message but I am very grateful for the time you take in sharing your thoughts with me. Word verification is back up because I am getting spammed big time. So thanks for taking that extra step in commenting. Blessings, Fi xxxxx

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